Women Rangers focus in on fire

13 July 2018
Women Rangers focus in on fire

The Mimal Women Rangers are building on their skills in fire and learning traditional ways of burning from elder Nori Martin.

The four women rangers and coordinator Julia Salt spent three days with Nori at Barapunta outstation in June.

They learned to use satellite map systems to plan their work and burn around high-risk areas along the Central Arnhem and Ramingining roads.

Aerial burning is part of a fire management work, but the women stayed focused on ground burning to remove long grass, which is a high-risk fuel load.

Working alongside the team, Nori showed them how to make a bush torch with bark and string, the traditional predecessor to the modern drip torch rangers use today.

Nori and the women also spent time talking about plants and animals and the rangers learned about special plants to make dye.

Fishing, making damper and learning stories for the area were also highlights of the trip and were important team bonding exercises during their time at Barapunta.