Healthy Country Plan.

Following many meetings between Indigeonus landowners, members and rangers, Mimal Land Management has developed a 10-year plan for healthy country and healthy people in central Arnhem Land.

The Healthy Country Plan 2017-2027 has been launched as part of celebrations for Mimal’s independence as a group taking control of their own destiny.

“We have been working hard for this plan,” Mimal Land Management Chair Alfred Rickson said.

“It is our vision and plan for the future. It shows what is important, what makes us worried and what we are doing to fix them.

“It’s what our landowners and members want Mimal to do for them in the next 10 years.”

The plan identifies land management asset from grassy areas and rock country, to special places and how to deal with threats such as weeds, feral animals and foreign diseases.

The plan also looks at building capacity so the organisation and board run well, make good decisions and follow proper legal and financial rules.

“We have looked at management issues and strategies work toward healthy country, because that means healthy people,” Mr Rickson said.

“It shows that we care for our country and meet our cultural duties as well.

We will keep monitoring and mapping changes, so we can see our successes in years to come.


A celebration of Mimal Rangers’ Independence.


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